May 1, 2007

RAFW day two - part one

Kirrily Johnston
I've always loved her work for its simplicity. the use of neon colors just sold it for me! <3
note to self: check for singapre stokists

Never heard of the label before, the rest of the collection doesn't appeal to me. But this look somehow seems interestingly put together.

One of my favourites ever since the brand started anyway... the designers always make dresses that are edgy and tough looking, just the way i like my dresses to be. One of the designer behind this label is Alice McCall's sister (only relevant if you know who Alice McCall is, of course) who is also showing later in the festival.


MarĂ­a said...

I found some of the pieces really interesting, I especially like the second outfit, and the pants on the third pic. There are lots of talented designers outhere.

Tru said...

hey I think I made that avatar of Daniel that's in your sidebar...where'd you get it?? j/w I'm shocked anyone actually used anything of mine

fashionnerd said...

hey tru,
i didnt made the daniel avatar. but i did ask persmission of the owner. which is why it is linked back to the site that i took it from. it may well be yours though??? please let me know.. i'll take it down if there's still any problem with that...


Tru said...

no there's no problem...I think its cool actually and it is mine b.c that is my