May 1, 2007

RAFW day one

Camilla and Marc
Lets just say more voguettes will have to part with their money :P
and i'm thankful that the brand already has stokist in singapore...

Lisa Ho
Being Lisa Ho of course the collection has more colors than that's shown here, but these are just the ones that caught my attention. Others are just a lil too girlie.. but if thats what you like, make sure you check out the rest of her collection cause she's great..

Anna Thomas
To be really honest, this is the first time i've looked at her entire collection. i like it, its very wearable... but dare i say "Marni"?

Alex Perry
Yes he showed that day, but it just wasnt my cup of tea. Something about the man just irks me so much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I was considering doing a post on RAFW but I've seen little that's really impressive apart from Life With Bird. I absolutely love their stuff! There was this one green trenchcoat, a coupla seasons back. Divine. Hopefully as the week progresses, it will get better.

Also I understand what you mean about Alex Perry. He looks creepy and most of the time his collections are just all the same.