The continuation of that story was that Prada sold the brand once again, because it wasnt producing enough money of course, to some Japanese company who has now hired Nicole and Michael Colovos (who also walked out of a label they founded, Habitual. but that is another little story) as the creative director.
Hush hush, the Japanese company actually asked Lang to come back but it was said that he "respectfully declined". sigh.
Sans Lang himself aside, i think the new collection is very appealing and wearable. Somehow I can actually feel Lang in the s/s07 collection but it is still very much the Colovos'. The hardcore Lang fans might not approve just yet, but for those who are less of an elitist, it may be time to give your plastic a little work out.
There is no stokist in Singapore (yet), but it is available online at For all other stokist refer to
here's a peek of whats in shopbop:

(from top) military jacket USD550, skinny no waistband pant USD335, sleeveless dress with seam detail USD380, layered racer back dress USD205
I remember when the helmut lang had a boutique in pacific plaza... i loved the minimalism...
i quite like the white dress and is that the black dress's frount of back?
that's the black dress back. the front was just plain black so i thought i should show the detail instead... :)
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